My Favorite Market in Yerevan

My Favorite Market in Yerevan

One of my favorite places to pick up groceries is the G.U.M Market. It is a giant open marketplace on the edge of Kentron (city center). There you find all kinds of spices, fresh produce, meats, and dried fruits. When you walk in the front entrance your eyes are greeted with all the beautiful and vibrant colors of the dried fruit. One of my favorites is the sujukh which is strung walnuts dipped in grape juice. There are many different variations of it, but this combination is my absolute favorite. To me it is the perfect sweet treat. Not too sugary or fake tasting. I absolutely love the chewy texture from the firm grape jelly combined with the crunchy nuts. 

The sellers in the market are so friendly. Each one tries to grab your attention with all of their goods. Every time I go I feel like the most famous person in Yerevan. On the backside of the market is all of the fresh fruits and vegetables. This section always reminds me of going to the farmer’s market back in California. I love that nothing is wrapped in plastic and everything is laid out nicely for you to peruse. 

The market also has a really nice selection of dried beans, spices, and teas. You can get everything you need from this market and really feel like you are supporting the local farmers. Each time I go I find something new that catches my eye. 

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